Tuesday, November 15, 2011

explain your creative and critical thinking digital media project:what meaning and/or commentary do you explore and express in your project? What aspects of your reading really caught your imagination? how does your project express your creative engagement with, and/or response to your reading?

My critical reading project was connecting the book to our world now. I talked about how the book taught us morals and how the characters in The Odyssey are just like the people in present day. Some aspects that really caught my imagination were the imaginary worlds Homer created, like the underworld and the characters like Circe. It was interesting to hear about the places and people that are almost exaggerations of the people and places that do actually exist now. My project expresses my creative engagement with my response to my reading by showing how I connected with The Odyssey on a personal level by connecting it to my life as well as lives of the people around me.

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