Monday, November 7, 2011

My overall reaction on what i read. Did i make a good a choice? What did i enjoy or find?

I think I made a good choice in the books I read. They all interested me in different ways and were straight forward, making it easy to understand what I was reading. The first 2 books I read were book 10 and 11. These books were the most interesting because they were very unrealistic and brought me into a world that I would have never imagined. It was sad to hear all the stories from the dead people in the underworld. One of my favorite characters was Circe, the goddess. she was a powerful woman who ended up being actually a nice person when she knew who Odyssues was. The other two books i read were book 18 and 23. I did not find book 18 too interesting but i enjoyed book 23. Book 23 showed the love and passion between Penelope and Odysseus. At first Penelope did not truly believe it was Odysseus because she had been away from him so long, but eventually she realized it was her real husband. It was interesting to see how they apart for so long but were able to fall right back in to love again. They were also sympathetic to each other's problems.

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