Monday, November 7, 2011

What inquiry questions did you ask as you read? What did your reading help you think/understand about the questions?

A couple of the inquiry questions i asked myself as i read were: do you believe in true love?, and What makes a true hero? The true love question was shown and answered in book 23. I personally do believe in true love and in The Odyssey Penelope and Odysseus show that true love exists. Odysseus is taunted by a lustrous goddess and Penelope is taunted by dozens of suitors roaming her palace. But they both stay strong and show that they only truly love one person in their life, and that is their spouse. The other question that i thought about was what it means to be a hero. All through out the story, we see Odysseus fulfilling heroic deeds and ultimately completing his goal of coming back home to his kingdom and family. Odysseus mainly thinks about other people and is always trying to do the right thing or what the gods tell him to do. For example, he goes all the way back to Circe's island just for his shipmate to have a proper burial. He also listens to all the dead people's stories even though they are so sad and depressing. We also see Odysseus carry out valiant deeds like kill off all the suitors and save his shipmates from becoming pigs for the rest of their lives.

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