Sunday, November 6, 2011

What do you notice and what are your thoughts about how visual artists and writers respond to The Odyssey?

I have noticed in the visual art that they have depicted Odysseus as a muscular man with curly hair and a beard. He looks like a very ordinary man, which was a surprise to me. I thought he would look majestic and great from what i have learned about him through the novel. The artists have also used very soft and rustic colors to paint their pictures. I think this shows the age of The Odyssey and the mood the book has been written in.  most of the art shows the people with minimal clothing on which I believe is just showing how they would have dressed in that time period. The poems that I have picked are also very interesting. One poem sort of takes us through a shortened journey of The Odyssey in a rhyming pattern. The other poem describes a man's thoughts of Circe, the woman who turns men into pigs. He explains how enticing she is but also how cruel she is. Both these poets have looked at The Odyssey in depth and have taken interest in the characters Homer has created.

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